Best time for 3D Ultrasound

The best time for your 3D baby ultrasound depends on what type of pictures you would like to get of your baby.

In the first trimester, the baby is small, and the features of the face is not yet full. However, it is a beautiful time to see the baby moving the arms, legs, and body. The 3D and 4D ultrasound will often include the whole body, and seeing the real-time movements using 4D is a fantastic experience! It is also a time when we can do a gender scan. The gender scan is best done at 16 weeks as the baby is bigger for more accurate results. During the ultrasound to scan for the gender for a boy, we look for the penis and testicles and when we can for a girl, we look for three bright lines that indicate labia.

A 3D scan of the baby’s face is best done at around 27-32 weeks, ideally 29 weeks. We can also get a 3D scan done on either side of this time frame, the clarity is dependent on your baby’s size, position, placenta location and amniotic fluid level.

Peek a Boo 3D ultrasound offers a free follow-up appointment if your baby is not cooperating on the day and revisiting clients a $99 special price for returning visits.


Why You Should Consider a 3D Ultrasound During Pregnancy


Difference between 2D, 3D, and 4D baby scan